2024 regional elections proposed to be postponed, Commission II: Bawaslu should not make things up



BONSERNEWS.com – The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) proposed to discuss options for postponing the 2024 Pilkada which were scheduled to be held in November 2024. Commission II of the DPR confirmed that Bawaslu was making it up.

“The Bawaslu suggestion regarding the postponement of the November 27 2024 simultaneous local elections on the grounds that the new President was sworn in and in my opinion security issues are fabricated and not the realm of Bawaslu,” said Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Junimart Girsang, Friday 14 July 2023.

Junimart also highlighted the attitude of Bawaslu which had suddenly changed to not support the Pilkada being held in 2024. According to him, during the working meeting to hearings at Commission II of the DPR, Bawaslu never objected.

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“Several times the Raker and RDP with election organizers (including Bawaslu) discussed determining the schedule for the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections at Commission II of the DPR-RI and never had any objections,” he said.

“Why does Bawaslu have to make a statement like this now? It’s better for a professional Bawaslu to focus on work according to the rules for preparing for the presidential and legislative elections,” he continued.

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Not only that, Junimart also believes that security is not the domain of Bawaslu. He emphasized that it was the realm of law enforcement.

“Security issues related to law enforcement are not Bawaslu. Bawaslu only oversees election implementation, organizers and participants,” he said. ()

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