Acceptance of CPNS 2023 No Political Motives

[ad_1] – Member of Commission II DPR RI Guspardi Gaus assesses that the recruitment of prospective civil servants (CPNS), which is planned to open in September 2023, has nothing to do with political agendas.
The acceptance of CPNS in 2023 coincides with the political year, but that’s just a coincidence. Because CPNS acceptance has gone through careful calculations and adjusted to existing needs and available state budget support, said Guspardi, Tuesday 25 July 2023.
“So, regarding the acceptance of CPNS, there is already a scheme. The formation is also adjusted to the needs of ministries and institutions (K/L) as well as local governments throughout Indonesia,” said this PAN politician.
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The legislator from West Sumatra emphasized that prior to the opening of the 2023 CPNS acceptance, the Ministry of State Apparatus & Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPan-RB) and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) had conducted a comprehensive study of the needs of civil servants in all government agencies, both central and regional.
Moreover, CPNS 2023 acceptance is only intended for non-ASN and Government Employees with Employment Agreements (PPPK) with a composition of 80 percent. And 20 percent is devoted to fresh graduates or new graduates,” said Pak Gaus.
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Therefore, the acceptance of CPNS in 2023 is expected to run according to the target set. This means that the opened quota can be filled to the maximum, so that the needs of each agency can be met.
“To applicants who are interested in preparing themselves immediately by meeting the requirements set by the government,” concluded the member of the Baleg DPR RI.
Previously, the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Abdullah Azwar Anas, revealed that the government plans to open CPNS recruitment for 2023 with a total of 1,030,751 people in September 2023.