The following are the virtues of Sunnah Tarwiyah fasting, see what are the virtues of fasting before Eid al-Adha


[ad_1] – Before celebrating Eid al-Adha, Muslims are encouraged to carry out Tarwiyah fasting.

Before carrying it out, it is important to know the purpose of Tarwiyah fasting.

Tarwiyah sunnah fasting is carried out on the 8th of Dzulhijah or two days before Eid al-Adha which falls on the 10th of Dzulhijah to be precise the day before the day of wukuf.

After fasting for a full year, this is confirmed in a hadith narrated by Thabrani:

“There are no days that Allah prefers to use for worship more than the first ten days of the month of Dzulhijjah.

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