PKS Through Hidayat Nur Wahid Agree to Reject and Ban the Planned Meeting of LGBT Activists throughout Southeast Asia


[ad_1] – Member of Commission VIII and Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly from the PKS Fraction, Hidayat Nur Wahid reminded the Government of Indonesia to firmly reject and ban plans for gatherings of LGBT activists throughout Southeast Asia.

This event is entitled ‘Queer Advocacy Week’ which will be held by ASEAN Sogie Caucus in Jakarta.

This too, according to Hidayat Nur Wahid, is in line with the aspirations of the rejection that have been conveyed constitutionally by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) through several of its figures, namely Deputy Chairperson of MUI Buya Anwar Abbas (President of Muhammadiyah)

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Then the Chairman of the MUI for Dakwah Cholil Nafis (NU leader) and also the aspirations for constitutional rejection by the leadership of the Women’s organization of the Indonesian Women’s Islamic Consultative Body (BMIWI), even by the Civilized Indonesia Movement.

HNW, as he is affectionately known, said that if LGBT activists argue that they are fulfilling human rights, then the constitution that applies in Indonesia, namely UUDNRI, stipulates that human rights in Indonesia are not liberal human rights as enforced in several western countries.

Human rights that are recognized by the constitution in Indonesia are human rights that are subject to restrictions made by law, and must be in line with religious values ​​that are recognized in Indonesia.

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This is stated in Article 28J paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Therefore, LGBT with all its deviations is not part of human rights that are recognized in Indonesia because they are not in accordance with the ideological and legal system as well as religion that is recognized in Indonesia. LGBT is not in accordance with Pancasila (especially precepts 1) and not in accordance with the 1945 UUDNRI,” he said.

Tolerant and does not respect Pancasila, the Constitution and applicable laws, as well as the recognized religion in Indonesia.

It should be if the Government firmly refuses and does not allow them to carry out activities within the jurisdiction of Indonesia.

Even though these refusals apply without threats but based on constitutional rights, now it’s the people

Indonesia has entered the political year. “Don’t let the planned meeting of LGBT activists across ASEAN to be held in Jakarta, in fact add to social unrest and tension, things that are not conducive to the success of the 2024 election,” he explained.

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