Mirage Polemic 2000-5, DPR: The Plan to Purchase Used Defense Equipment Must Be Cancelled



BONSERNEWS.com – DPR Commission I member Syarief Hasan assessed that the planned purchase of 12 used Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets from Qatar worth a total of IDR 11.8 trillion had to be cancelled. This is very reasonable because this aircraft is old so it is not optimal to protect Indonesian airspace.

Moreover, it is certain that the high cost of maintenance and maintenance makes this plan not optional to follow up. This is also the reason why the plan to grant used fighter jets was rejected in the era of President SBY. It became a polemic because Jokowi’s government actually bought it at a fantastic price.

“On many occasions, I have repeatedly emphasized the need for a critical evaluation of the Mirage 2000-5 purchase plan. This policy will only become a burden on state finances in the future. The cost of maintenance and maintenance is a cost component that must also be considered, apart from the fact that this aircraft technology is out of date. The very wide characteristics of Indonesia’s airspace demand new and long-lasting aircraft. I think buying new planes is still a better policy option than buying used planes,” he said, Saturday 8 July 2023.

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According to him, the budget plan that will be used to buy Mirage 2000-5 should be diverted to purchase new aircraft or diverted to maintenance of existing combat aircraft defense systems. Moreover, the Mirage 2000-5 was delivered 24 months after the contract agreed on January 31, 2023. This is only 1 year difference from the arrival of the Rafale fighter jet which is expected to arrive in Indonesia in 2026. The world is currently being hit by an uncertain geopolitical situation, but the choice is not to buy used plane. What does it mean to have a used defense equipment, but its capabilities are weak.

The Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs in the era of President SBY considered that even though the world was tense, the potential for an invasion or war on a global scale was very unlikely. There is no urgency to procure used defense equipment by spending large amounts of state money. We should consider the sustainability factor, old and old defense equipment can be ensured that maintenance and maintenance are very high and ineffective.

Also Read: Prabowo Buys Used Mirage Jets, Commission I: Only 10 Years of Use

“The limited fiscal capacity must be used as efficiently as possible. In addition to the option to purchase new defense equipment, what is also important is increasing the capacity of existing defense equipment. We must ensure that our armed forces are ready to face the threat of war. Of course, the quality of defense equipment needs to be strengthened, in addition to the need to boost the defense industry’s human resource, technological and financial capacity. That way, national resilience will be stronger and more advanced, both at the regional and global levels,” he concluded. ()

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