If It Has Been Passed As Law To The Constitutional Court, DPR Invites Professional Organizations To Sue The Health Bill



BONSERNEWS.com – DPR Commission IX member, Irma Suryani Chaniago, asked five professional organizations to submit a judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK) if discussions on the Health Bill (RUU) progress to level II and become law (UU).

The five professional organizations consist of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), the Indonesian Dentists Association (PDGI), the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI), and the Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IAI).

On the other hand, the five organizations asked President Joko Widodo not to pass the bill immediately.

Also Read: After Crowded Rejection of the Health Bill, Health Workers Delay the June 14 National Strike

Currently, the government and the Republic of Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) have agreed to bring the Health Bill to be ratified to be followed up on level II talks at the upcoming plenary session. This agreement was approved at a joint working meeting, on Monday 19 June 2023.

According to Irma, this is a right as citizens as long as what they do is in accordance with the constitution.

Also Read: Commission IX: Discussion of the Health Bill Cannot Be Stopped

“We’ll see first,” said Irma Suryani when contacted, Tuesday 20 May 2023.

The NasDem Party politician also emphasized that this bill does not regulate tobacco products or products to be included or categorized as narcotics. But it remains as it is today as an addictive substance.

“Tobacco is still an addictive substance, but it is not included in the narcotics class. It’s the same as the current situation,” he explained.

As information, the Health Bill was also rejected by dozens of institutions, including the Center for Legal Studies and Social Justice (LSJ) Faculty of Law UGM. ()

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