For new SIMs it is mandatory to have a certificate, Commission III: Polri is concerned about the traffic situation


[ad_1] – The National Police set new rules for making SIMs. Now, people who want to get a new driver’s license (SIM) must have a verification certificate from a driving school.

Responding to this, Member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Wihadi Wiyanto, appreciated this policy.

“I fully support the regulations from the National Police regarding the issuance of a driver’s license, which must have a certificate from an accredited driving school,” Wihadi told reporters, Wednesday, June 21, 2023.

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The Gerindra Party politician explained that the existence of this rule was proof that the Police cared about the current chaotic traffic situation where many drivers and motorists did not know the rules and did not comply with the rules, which resulted in their own way of driving and violating the rules as they pleased.

“Well, with verification from a driving school, driving procedures will be better. So this is the right step for the Police to deal with the current traffic situation which has become increasingly chaotic because it is caused by drivers who do not know or do not comply with the regulations on the road. So that it becomes a problem on this road and to avoid fatal accidents caused by driver negligence,” explained the legislator for the East Java electoral district IX covering Tuban and Bojonegoro.

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Previously, the National Police issued new regulations regarding the issuance and marking of driving licenses (SIM). One of the newest requirements is to have a verification certificate from an accredited driving school.

This rule is contained in Perpolri No. 2 of 2023. This Perpolri was signed by National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as of 8 February 2023.

The latest administrative requirements are contained in article 9, which details the conditions for the issuance of a SIM. ()

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