Congratulations on Passing SNBT at UI! Here’s How to Join the Department Group for New University of Indonesia Students


[ad_1] – The announcement of the SNBT which started on Tuesday, June 20 2023 was greeted with joy by the participants who passed to their dream campus, one of which was the University of Indonesia or UI.

After passing the SNBT and being accepted as a UI student, of course there are a number of things that need to be done, one of which is joining the respective department group.

In the department group, UI students who pass the SNBT will receive further information regarding the re-registration flow and other important information.

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To be able to join the group, usually students who qualify will be contacted by seniors from their respective majors.

In addition, if no contact is received, students who qualify can also seek information about the intended major group.

The University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) through its official Instagram account uploaded a post containing a contact who could be contacted to get this information.

The Department of Advocacy and Student Welfare (Adkesma) BEM UI will be tasked with assisting students who pass in providing information regarding UI 2023 new student admissions.

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Such information includes information about faculty groups, re-registration flows, mechanisms for paying tuition fees, and other information.

Not only that, Adkesma BEM UI also stated that they would be at the forefront of advocating for students on other matters.

So for students who pass the SNBT and are accepted at UI, you can immediately check the post via Instagram @bemui_official.

Through this post, you can contact the contact listed according to the faculty where your major is located.

Don’t forget to say hello first and speak politely when contacting the contact listed. ()

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