Commission III Urges the Kakorlantas Polri to Order Order on Trucks on Toll Roads


[ad_1] – Member of Commission III of the DPR, Wihadi Wiyanto, stated that a country can be said to be disciplined and civilized if its traffic is orderly. Indonesia has not yet reached and headed for a disciplined and civilized traffic country.

He took the example that every day many trucks park deliberately on the shoulder of the Toll Road without any action from the National Police Traffic Corps or the Toll Road management.

Because of that, Wihadi urged the Kakorlantas Polri to control the trucks parked on the shoulder of the toll road.

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“So it’s as if the toll road is a garage for trucks, sir. I think special handling is needed for truck drivers,” Wihadi said, Wednesday 5 July 2023.

This Gerindra Party politician knows that these truck drivers make a living on a meager income. However, this is different from the company where the truck drivers work, where the company is profit oriented.

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Therefore, according to Wihadi, the violations committed by truck drivers should also be imposed on the company where the truck driver works.

“So it’s not just the driver, if it’s just the driver, maybe the food money is all gone. They can’t pay the ticket, but it’s the company that has to be charged. If necessary, the company’s permits will be suspended,” he explained.

The legislator from East Java is pressing for this because the king of the road and the highest number of accidents exist due to truck driver problems.

“This is now the king of the trucks at Toll. This has to be disciplined,” he said.

This member of the DPR RI Budget Agency added, controlling or fines against truck drivers is also for the addition of Non-Tax State Revenue or PNBP.

Because of this, he admitted that he had pushed PNBP for the benefit of ETLE (Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement/electronic ticket) to the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) especially on Toll Roads. This is because ETLE facilities on toll roads are lacking.

“This needs a breakthrough, where there is PNBP revenue from this ticket for us to push for this ETLE procurement. I think maybe from that the members of the PJR (Highway Patrol) can quickly discipline these transport drivers,” he concluded. ()

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