The Insolidarity of the National Elite and Sharp Polarization Become Obstacles to Realizing the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision


[ad_1] – General Chairperson of the Indonesian People’s Wave Party (Gelora) Anis Matta emphasized, the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision which was officially launched by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) last Thursday (15/6/2023), must become a shared dream and make it a new spirit of nationalism all of us as a nation.

“Golden Indonesia must become a shared dream, become a new spirit of nationalism for all of us. We need to carry out political consolidation, because we need big energy and also a road map to achieve our big goal,” said Anis Matta, Thursday, June 22, 2023.

According to Anis Matta, to make Indonesia Gold 2045 or a new Indonesia Superpower which is currently facing global geopolitical challenges, where the world is experiencing disruption or phenomena of massive change.

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“So the dream is indeed necessary, there is a timeline for achieving it. We agree with the idea of ​​Indonesia Gold 2045, which will be a new chapter in Indonesia’s new history that we must go through. But we must carefully calculate the current geopolitical constraints, so that we do not failed like Malaysia,” he said.

So that Indonesia must formulate its own model in recording its economic growth, because Southeast Asia is a neutral region, does not have a global geopolitical alliance like countries in East Asia, including Japan, China, South Korea and Taiwan.

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“The four countries in East Asia have a global geopolitical alliance with the United States just like Germany. They are given transfers of technology, investment or capital, and markets. Indonesia is not like that, there is no alliance. For Indonesia, the twists and turns are similar. -Similar to Russia, Turkey and India,” he said.

Because of that, said the General Chairperson of the Gelora Party, who received serial number 7 as a participant in the 2024 Election, needs to formulate his own roadmap to become a developed country or the world’s new superpower.

“This means that this nation has determination with the enormous geopolitical challenges at this time. I read that the current geopolitical disruption will have a very large impact, so we need to anticipate these challenges, because we do not have a geopolitical alliance like Japan. ” he insisted.

However, Anis Matta stressed, Indonesia has natural capital resources, human resources, geographical location and strong cultural character to become a developed country, even though it does not have a global geopolitical alliance.

“By understanding the geopolitical situation and being able to overcome the challenges, I am sure that Indonesia will grow into a large, developed country that will bring prosperity to all its people. Indonesia will record extraordinary economic growth in the future,” concluded Anis Matta. ()

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