No Longer Discussing the Vice Presidential Candidate, Anies Assigns Team 8 to Move Forward


[ad_1] – The Coalition for Change for Unity (KPP) continues to move forward. Two days before leaving to perform the pilgrimage, Presidential Candidate (Bacapres) Anies Rasyid Baswedan gathered and directly chaired a meeting with Team 8 consisting of representatives from Democrats, Nasdem, PKS and Anies Team, Tuesday 20 June 2023.

In the meeting that was held at the KPP Secretariat, Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, Anies and Team 8 no longer discussed the candidate for Vice President (Cawapres) who would accompany Anies, but had stepped forward to the stage of implementing the winning strategy and implementing tactics.

“It can be said that the discussion regarding the vice president has been completed. We have completed an in-depth study of the names proposed by the Coalition Party and community input. One name is already in the pocket of the Anies Presidential Advisory Council, let’s wait and see, when Pak Anies returns from the pilgrimage, the best moment will be determined to declare the Presidential-Cawapres Candidate Pair for the Coalition of Change,” said Sugeng Suparwoto, member of the Team 8 representative from the Nasdem Party.

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Sudirman Said, a member of Team 8 representing Anies Baswedan explained that in the meeting Tuesday afternoon until last night, Anies assigned Team 8 to start preparing concrete steps going forward.

“Pak Anies asked Team 8 to start moving forward thinking about technical matters. including completing the National Winning Team Structure, joint activities of the three coalition parties and options for the declaration of the presidential and vice presidential candidates,” continued Sudirman.

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Meanwhile, Teuku Riefky Harsya, Secretary General of the Democratic Party who is also a member of Team 8 stated that the Democratic Party is ready to collaborate with all members of the coalition and Anies Baswedan’s volunteers.

“The structure and Cadres of the Democratic Party have closed ranks to prepare to go down together with Coalition Party cadres and Pro-Change Volunteers throughout Indonesia. Initial consolidation is required for the preparation of Winning and Anti-Cheating Activities.” said Teuku Riefky.

According to the Vice Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council, Dr. Sohibul Iman, directives directly led by Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan is a form of certainty that KPP will continue to progress.

“The discussion at this meeting signifies the stages of the Coalition for Change’s political work progressing constructively and progressively. Bismillah, We are ready to sail towards victory in the 2024 Presidential Election.” closed the Team 8 representative from PKS. ()

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