The following is the Chronology of the Gran Caravan Aircraft belonging to Semuwa Air that has lost contact. See the Chronology of the Aircraft that has lost contact


[ad_1] – The Semuwa Aviasi Mandiri aircraft (SAM Air / Semuwa Air) with registration PK-SMW Type Cessna Grand Caravan C208B lost contact on the way to Ilaga Airport, Papua.

The plane was found crashed in the wilderness of Papua Mountains.

The Semuwa Air airline, which lost contact with Elelim, was carrying 6 people on board consisting of the pilot, copilot and four passengers.

Also Read: Gran Caravan Aircraft Owned by Semuwa Air Reportedly Lost Contact, Let’s See the Full Review Below

AirNav Indonesia Corporate Secretary Rosedi said the plane departed from Elelim Airport to Ilaga Airport at 10.53 WIT and lost contact at 11.07 WIT, at POIK coordinates (16 NM south of Elelim Airport).

The flight from Elelim Airport to Piok District, Yalimo Regency lost contact after 7 minutes of take off, at 10.53 WIT, Friday (23/6/2023).

“It’s true, the tale off from elelim at 10.53 WIT then lost contact after 7 minutes of take off,” said the Head of the Sar Jayapura Operations and Alert Section, Marinus Ohoirat.

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Previously, AirNav Indonesia was still searching for the Semuwa Air plane that had lost contact in the mountains of Papua.

“Until this statement was issued, a search was being carried out using the Pilatus Susi Air plane with registration PK-VVK, which departed from Wamena airport at 13.37 WITA,” he said.

AirNav together with aviation stakeholders will continue to update information from the search for the Semuwa aircraft.

“AirNav Indonesia together with all related aviation stakeholders, continues to seek the whereabouts of the PK-SMW aircraft and update conditions on the ground,” he said.

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