The Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Controversy Continues to Heat Up, Several Religious Figures Give Their Comments, Who Are They?


[ad_1] -The Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) controversy is still heating up to this day.

Recently, a number of religious leaders have emerged who have commented on the leadership of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Panji Gumilang.

Apart from Habib Bahar bin Smith, there were several other religious leaders who also spoke out regarding the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, including Novel Bamukmin, as the Deputy Secretary General of PA 212, and M Najih Arromadloni, as an observer of the pesantren.

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The two figures gave their opinion about Panji Gumilang. According to the Bamukmin Novel Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School is included in the heretical category.

This was because there were 16 points of misguidance which according to him had been pointed out by Panji Gumilang, the leader of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School.

“That the statement of the 3 pillars of the Islamic Defenders Front, PA 212, and the GNPF Ulama is our firm stance that arrest Panji Gumilang and disband Al Zaytun,” said Novel Bamukmin.

Also Read: Former Deputy Regent of Indramayu, Lucky Hakim Reveals Different Things When Visiting Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School

According to these points, some of Panji Gumilang’s misguidance was mixing men and women in one row of congregational prayers.

Then teach the call to prayer procedures that are not in accordance with the instructions of the Prophet SAW, teach Jewish greeting songs, allow adultery to be exchanged for money, and so on.

Not only Novel Bamukmin, observer of the M Najih Arromadloni Islamic boarding school, also gave his opinion on Panji Gumilang.

M. Najih Arromadloni said that interpreting the Qur’an should not be arbitrary. This is because in interpreting the Qur’an there are certain rules of interpretation that need to be followed.

“Interpreting the Qur’an cannot be arbitrary because there are rules for interpretation,” said M Najih Arromadloni.

M Najih Arromadloni also said that the Prophet SAW had made threats against people who interpreted the Qur’an with their lust.

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