Releasing PMI Abroad, Head of BP2MI: Migrant Workers Deserve the State’s Respect!

[ad_1] – The Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI) continues to release Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) abroad. This time, 132 PMI, including 118 people, were released to work in South Korea (South Korea) and 14 people to Taiwan, as a special placement program to Taiwan (SP2T).
On that occasion, Head of BP2MI Benny Rhamdani again reminded PMI of the important role for the nation.
“Indonesian migrant workers are people who deserve respect from the state,” said Benny, Tuesday, July 25, 2023.
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He also admitted that he was very angry at anyone, including officials, who looked down on migrant workers. Moreover, PMI is a foreign exchange hero who has provided a lot of income for the country with a value of hundreds of trillions of rupiah each year.
“Anyone who has such a mindset, perspective (looking at PMI in one eye), they are enemies of Indonesian migrant workers,” said Benny.
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Benny explained the efforts to respect PMI which he realized through various programs at BP2MI. One way is through the presence of the command center. According to him, only Indonesia has a command center regarding these migrant workers.
“I have been visited by activist friends from foreign NGOs at the office. The first thing they are surprised is that BP2MI has a command center, the 4.7 million Indonesian migrant workers are recorded by name by address, who they are, where they come from, what work they do now, in what country, what work, how much salary, when do they leave, after completing their contract they have to return to Indonesia and through what scheme. And that is only owned by the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency,” said Benny.
Apart from that, he continued, only Indonesia carried out ceremonial releases of its migrant workers. Moreover, the release to the destination countries for this work is carried out by the president to state officials.
“The Philippines may admit that their workers are said to be superior, but never, releasing workers then a president, important officials releasing, never, then Indonesia. Indonesia pays great respect to Indonesian migrant workers. They are also surprised, surprised that now at eight international airports we have prepared lounges for Indonesian migrant workers,” explained Benny.
Regarding the lounge, he said, the facility can be used by PMI and their family free of charge. Lounges are available at eight international airports namely Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Juanda International Airport, Surabaya, Ahmad Yani International Airport, Semarang, International Airport in Yogyakarta, I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Lombok International Airport, Kualanamu International Airport, and Raden Inten II International Airport, Lampung.
In order to make it easier for migrant workers, according to President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) direction, BP2MI is now presenting a fast track that is specifically used by PMI. In this fast track facility, instructions are provided in the form of a blue carpet that reads “VVIP of Indonesian Migrant Workers”.
“We are not satisfied there. The President (Jokowi) complained, getting information on PMI returning from abroad, carrying backpacks, left and right hand luggage, jostling the queues when entering Immigration, as well as when leaving. Even though there are certain parties, honorable people, very special, even though they are humiliated because of corruption and theft of people’s money, for example. Obtaining fast track facilities, official diplomacy is written. The people, foreign exchange earners do not get this treatment, namely Indonesian migrant workers,” said Benny.