Regarding 337 Million Data Leaking on the Internet, Dukcapil Directorate General: Nothing Leaks!

[ad_1] – Information circulating on the internet that 337 million population and civil registration (Dukcapil) data was leaked. The Dukcapil Directorate ensures that there are no traces of leaks in the system owned by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The Director General (Dirjen) of Dukcapil, Teguh Setyabudi, said that his party, together with the BSSN and related stakeholders, had carried out preventive mitigation and investigative audits quickly. The results of the rapid investigation showed that no traces of leaks were found in the system owned by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
“So far, no traces of data leakage have been found in the Centralized Population Administration Information System (SIAK) which is currently being run by the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Dukcapil Directorate General,” said Teguh, Wednesday, July 19, 2023.
Also Read: 337 Dukcapil Data Leaked and Traded on the Internet, DPR: Could be a Mass Disaster
According to Teguh, the data displayed on Breachforums has a different format from that of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
“The data in Breachforums, when viewed from the format of the data elements, is not the same as that contained in the existing population database of the Directorate General of Dukcapil at the Ministry of Home Affairs at this time,” he said.
Also Read: ‘RETURN BACK’! Bjorka Hacker Leaks Data Allegedly Belonging to Dukcapil and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Really?
Nonetheless, the investigation process is still ongoing. He said he would continue to convey to the public the results of the investigation.
“The investigative audit process is still ongoing to explore the alleged leak and at the same time carry out preventive mitigation to prevent it in the future,” he said.
Teguh also received information that Bjorka had demographic data. Teguh said that the data owned by Bjorka is the same as that on Breachforums.
“The data published by Breachforums and Bjorka is the same data, only differing in the amount submitted. On Breachforums, 337,225,465 RRR users uploaded data, while 217 million were uploaded by Bjorka,” he said.
“The existing population database of the Dukcapil Directorate General of the Ministry of Home Affairs has not leaked,” he said.