PKB Wants Presidential Candidates to Immediately Declare Their Cawapres

[ad_1] – The National Awakening Party (PKB) wants all presidential candidates to immediately declare their running mate for the 2024 presidential election. PKB reasoned that the campaign period was very short.
Based on the schedule released by the KPU, registration for presidential candidates is open from 19 October to 25 November. Meanwhile, elections are scheduled to take place on February 14.
“Whatever the public currently wants, the presidential and cawapres pairs that are already firm can be discussed and socialized,” said PKB Deputy Chairperson, Jazilul Fawaid, Saturday 15 July 2023.
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Jazilul said his opinion was in line with the recommendations from the Indostrategic survey institute. He also believes that the public wants to get to know the presidential and vice presidential candidates who will compete in 2024.
Apart from that, said Jazilul, the socialization of the presidential and cawapres candidates could also be done quickly and in not too short a time if the declaration was made immediately.
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“At least the results of this survey or those made by Indostrategic are the same as the community’s wish that the socialization stage for conveying the vision and mission can begin immediately because the community can provide input,” he said.
“It would be nice if the presidential and cawapres candidate pairs were immediately announced. Is that Mr. Prabowo, is it Mr. Anies Baswedan and is it Mr. Ganjar Pranowo,” he continued.
However, said Di, it seems that to this day the determination of the vice presidential pair still revolves around the political party elite. In fact, he suspects that the names of the cawapres are still being discussed with supporters of each presidential candidate.
“Even the presidential candidates who already have a golden ticket without a coalition are enough today, they have not dared to announce the presidential and vice-presidential pairs,” he alluded again.
So far, three presidential candidates have emerged, namely Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo. None of the three have yet announced a vice presidential candidate to accompany them.
Later, Democrats, one of the supporters of Anies as the presidential candidate, wanted the Change for Unity coalition (KPP) to immediately declare a vice presidential candidate. However, the two parties that are also members of the KPP, namely NasDem and PKS, admit that they do not want to rush things. ()