MPR: Strengthen Posyandu and Puskesmas Services to Anticipate Spills in Disease Spread


[ad_1] – The impact of climate change on public health conditions must be anticipated by increasing the ability of health service units that are closer to people’s homes, such as posyandu and puskesmas, to carry out early detection.

“In the midst of the threat of the impact of global climate change which has the potential to facilitate the spread of infectious diseases, the ability to detect early diseases in a number of health service units must be improved,” said Lestari Moerdijat, Thursday, June 6, 2023.

Based on WHO records, climate change will cause 250,000 deaths per year from cases of malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat stress. The cost of direct damage to health is estimated to be between US$2 billion-US$4 billion (IDR 29.8 trillion-IDR 59.6 trillion) per year in 2030.

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In addition, WHO also revealed that climate change can also indirectly affect changes in the conditions of the population along with their social and economic conditions so that it can worsen mental health.

According to Lestari, the magnitude of the impact of climate change on public health must be a serious concern for policy makers in this country.

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Because, said Rerie, Lestari’s nickname, the impact of climate change is not only targeting people’s physical health, but also has the potential to threaten mental health due to drastic changes in social and economic conditions.

According to Rerie, who is also the legislator from the Central Java II Dapil, the readiness of health facilities and infrastructure in an effort to strengthen early detection of basic public health must be consistently carried out.

Including, he added, the readiness of health workers and adequate early detection equipment in the smallest health service units such as Puskesmas.

The member of the Upper House of the NasDem Party encouraged policy makers at the central and regional levels to be able to realize increased early detection capabilities in health service units spread across the community, in order to protect every citizen from the threat of a number of diseases.

Moreover, emphasized Rerie, the 1945 Constitution also mandates the state to provide protection to every citizen.

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