KontraS Criticizes and Condemns the Mayor of Medan’s Statement Requesting Police to Shoot Dead the Begal Perpetrators



BONSERNEWS.com – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) criticized and condemned the statement by Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution asking the police to shoot dead thieves.

KontraS considered the statement to be arrogant and arbitrary.

“We understand that “stealing” has disturbed and harmed the people of Medan. However, the statement made by the Mayor of Medan was a statement of disregard for human rights and seemed to support the Police in carrying out arbitrariness,” KontraS’ Working Committee, Tioria Pretty.

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According to him, in taking action in the field, police officers have strict and strict standards, especially when using firearms.

The SOP is regulated in the Chief of Police Regulation (Perkap) No. 1 of 2009 concerning the Use of Force in Police Actions.

KontraS regrets that the Mayor of Medan as the regional head should realize that he is a civilian leader who is obliged to protect and protect the citizens of Medan City.

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Bobby Nasution should support law enforcement in accordance with statutory regulations and human rights principles.

Instead of recklessly issuing statements that have the potential to cause human rights violations.

It needs to be underlined, continued Tioria, that based on KontraS’ monitoring, from July 2022-June 2023, there had been 29 shooting incidents that left 41 people dead (extrajudicial killings).

Two cases of extrajudicial killing and four cases of torture occurred in North Sumatra.

“North Sumatra is a city as one of the provinces with the highest number of violence by officers in Indonesia. A statement from the Mayor of Medan can legitimize such actions and increase the escalation of violence so that it has the potential to increase the number of victims,” ​​he said.

“Based on these matters, we urge the Mayor of Medan. First, to apologize and withdraw his statement; Second, the Medan Police Chief to ensure that members of the Police in the field take action in accordance with statutory procedures and applicable human rights standards,” he continued. .()

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