It is Mahfud MD’s turn to emphasize that the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School will not be disbanded, but the Panji Gumilang case continues


[ad_1] – The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD emphasized that the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School would not be disbanded by the government.

Mahfud MD said the Al-Zaytun issue should not drag on and must be resolved immediately.

“So Al-Zaytun can’t drag on for 20 years like now because in 2022 it will appear every time it appears and then disappears again, if you want elections to appear again, now finish it with a note that Al-Zaytun as an Islamic boarding school will not be disbanded,” said Mahfud MD.

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Mahfud MD said the government recognized that the students studying at Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School were good.

He said the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School would be fostered by the Ministry of Religion.

“The government acknowledges that the school has good products. So we will build it, adjust the curriculum, clean it if there is dirt, but Al Zaytun and all of that will not be subject to any sanctions, will continue to be fostered by the government, the Ministry of Religion (Ministry of Religion) ),” he said.

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However, the criminal case involving the head of the Islamic boarding school, namely Panji Gumilang, will continue with the police.

Mahfud MD said the settlement of the criminal case was so that the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in the future would no longer appear as an issue during political events.

“But Panji Gumilang, who is a figure in Pondok Al-Zaytun, will solve his crime so that it doesn’t become an issue every time there is a political event,” he added.

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