Here’s Amien Rais’ Response and Criticism Regarding the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School Polemic, Check Out the Full Review


[ad_1] – Chairman of the Syuro Council of the Ummat Party, Amien Rais spoke out regarding the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School polemic.

According to him, the Islamic boarding school was the result of the new order.

“So if I look at it simply, this is indeed a product of the New Order. So the way to see it is very easy, Wattini wa Olives, the At-Tin Mosque and the Zaytun Islamic Boarding School. I think the sponsors are the same,” said Amien Rais.

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Amin Rais said that the polemic of the case must be resolved immediately.

Furthermore, these pesantren assets can be handed over to NU, Persis, and Muhammadiyah.

“Well, now to cut short, I think it will be quick, the case will be resolved, closed. Then, I don’t think the assets need to be taken over, yes, but a pesantren is built which according to the clerics, MUI, NU clerics who definitely know more about religion than Panji Gumilang,” he said.

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“Also, the Muhammadiyah clerics, Persis, wasliah, and so on were asked to jointly continue the straight Islamic boarding schools, which are consistent, which do not deviate,” he added.

Previously reported, the investigation team formed by the West Java Provincial Government had received clarification answers written by the leadership of the Al-Zaytun Panji Gumilang Islamic Boarding School.

What the answer?. Panji Gumilang previously refused to provide clarification answers requested by the investigation team.

This happened when Panji Gumilang answered the summons at Gedung Sate Bandung last Friday (23/6).

At that time Panji Gumilang only brought a piece of paper containing a number of questions that the investigation team wanted clarified.

At that time, Panji Gumilang was not willing to answer directly.

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