DPR Passes Health Law, Commission IX: This is to Protect and Humanize Professional Organizations



BONSERNEWS.com – Member of Commission IX DPR RI Irma Suryani Chaniago said she was relieved that the Health Law had been ratified even though there were still acts of resistance from professional organizations (OP) or health workers who asked for this law not to be ratified.

According to Irma, it is very wrong if OPs or health workers are still holding demonstrations and so on because they reject this law, in fact the Health Law is very helpful and even humanizes them.

“We (Commission IX), thank God, have completed the Health Law which was fussed over yesterday. Even though some of our friends there are still demonstrating against this law,” Irma said on the sidelines of the DPR Commission IX RDP with the Coalition of 23 Health Workers Organizations, Wednesday 12 July 2023.

Also Read: DPR Passes Health Bill, PPNI Will Conduct Judicial Review to MK

Irma said that with the existence of this Health Law, OP friends should want that from pharmacists, nurses and others, they should feel happy because while working there is a legal umbrella to protect them. But why are they still taking part in demonstrations.

“I want to convey this to fellow pharmacists, they should be happy with this law because they have a law and this positioning is clear so it has a guideline, but why a demonstration? I don’t understand where it stands,” he said.

Also Read: The Health Bill is Assessed to Return the Role of the State in Managing the Health of its People

The politician from the NasDem Party said that yesterday he conducted an interview with a television station together with the chairman of PPNI. There he revealed that there were nurses in his constituency area who were only paid 350-500 thousand. In the end, he intervened to meet with regional officials, both the Governor, the Regent and the Mayor, asking them to account for those who did not appreciate the hard work of the health workers and there Irma questioned where the role of PPNI was. when there are members only paid for the child’s own snacks.

“When I returned to the electoral district and met the constituents, I went to all of them and said don’t just use them for political tools in the Pilkada. This must be accounted for, those who are only paid that much because that much money is only enough for my high school child’s pocket money. So there I am questioned whether they deserved such an award. Then where were you (PPNI) at that time?
In fact, they are making a fuss about the bill which actually guarantees them to be more humanized, more protected and more empowered, uh, instead this just keeps on talking, why are you in a hurry and so on,” said Irma.

The Head of Kapoksi Commission IX also welcomes this Health Law being submitted for judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK) because it is considered liberal. Then he questioned where the liberal lies.

“If a judicial rivew is justified, go ahead, but you also have to know which article will be judicially reviewed. Yesterday you talked about liberalization. Then which liberalization? Let me give you a strange example, right? You insist that this is liberalization, but you can’t give an example of what is meant. liberalization here,” said Irma surprised.

For this reason, he asked OP or Health Workers to be even smarter when it comes to what is in the Health Law. The reason is, if they attend the meeting from start to finish then the mandatory spending which is the problem keeps on not confessing anymore, that’s why he says he is a liar.

“Later, if I say I’m stupid, it won’t be pleasant for him to hear. Because I have evidence and I’m not talking trash, moreover, I’m talking because I have a basis, so I’m not talking trash,” said Irma, who is also the Legislator for the South Sumatra II electoral district.

Because of that, Irma emphasized that if you really don’t know anything about the discussion on the Health Law, don’t act suudzon to Commission IX. Because, from the beginning this law was formed, discussed until it was passed, none of it was

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