Bhayangkara Day: A Brief History of the Establishment of the National Police


[ad_1] – Bhayangkara Day is an important celebration for the people of Indonesia, where we commemorate the founding of the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

Every year, on July 1, various activities and ceremonies are held across Indonesia to honor the important role played by the National Police in maintaining security and order in the country.

The following is a brief history of the establishment of the National Police and the significance of Bhayangkara Day.

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On July 1, 1946, the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI), which at that time was based in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, established the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

This step was taken to fill the void in the police after the transfer of sovereignty from the Netherlands to the Indonesian government in 1949.

At that time, Polri was responsible for securing and maintaining order throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

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However, Polri’s journey was not always smooth. During the National Revolution, Polri faced various challenges and obstacles in carrying out its duties.

They were involved in a guerrilla war against the Dutch occupation and contributed to the struggle for Indonesian independence.

After the proclamation of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945, the Police struggled to maintain security and order amidst a situation full of uncertainty and conflict.

They are involved in fighting separatist movements and movements that want to threaten the stability of the country.

The National Police also participates in dealing with security disturbances and criminal acts that occur in various regions.

In 1966, Polri underwent a change in its organizational structure. In order to increase operational effectiveness, Polri is divided into two components, namely the National Police (Polri) and Regional Police (Polda).

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