Legislators Appreciate the Joint Government’s Proposal on the Psychotropics Law and the Narcotics Law



BONSERNEWS.com – Member of Commission III of the DPR, Wihadi Wiyanto, appreciated the government’s proposal regarding the merging of Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics to the Draft Law concerning Amendments to Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

According to Wihadi, there is one thing that needs to be looked at in the proposed merger of the two laws. Especially related to the authority and supervision of psychotropic drugs and narcotics.

Wihadi explained, BPOM has been supervising the circulation of psychotropic drugs. The Ministry of Health has the authority to use medicinal raw materials. Then the Police handle law enforcement and BNN abuse of narcotics.

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Meanwhile, continued Wihadi, the Narcotics Law has yet to completely deal with abuse. The National Narcotics Agency has also so far not shown any performance in dealing with the narcotics problem.

“This authority needs to be regulated in a law that must be clear to this government, so that this ambiguity does not occur. On the one hand BPOM or the Ministry of Health still have the authority to supervise raw materials,” said Wihadi, Monday 10 July 2023.

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The Gerindra Party politician revealed that this psychotropic raw material did not come from Indonesia. He also questioned this regarding the supervision of this raw material.

Because of that, Wihadi is of the view that after supervision of raw materials is regulated in the Narcotics Law later, it will become the domain of supervision through law enforcement.

“Where is the role of the Ministry of Health? This is one thing that needs to be handled very detailed in the Narcotics Law and Psychotropic Law,” he said.

Regarding circulation, Wihadi said that in psychotropics, there are legal distributions. Meanwhile, there is no legal distribution of narcotics. This means, he said, speaking of narcotics, BPOM and the Ministry of Health do not have a role because it is purely narcotics abuse.

“There are 2 things that might really have to be chosen where. Don’t let narcotics be legalized because they are in one law,” he said.

Wihadi also asked the government to think clearly about this issue if it wants to combine the Psychotropics Law with the Narcotics Bill.

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