Three elite ‘heads’ of the Golkar Party attend the Call for Change of the Nasdem Party, who are they?


[ad_1] – Three Golkar Party elites attended the Call for Change of the NasDem Party at the Bung Karno Main Stadium (GBK), Senayan, Jakarta, Sunday (16/7/2023).

The three are Chair of the Golkar Party DPP Christina Aryani, Chair of Bakumham Golkar Supriansa.

Then there is Deputy Chairman (Waketum) of the Golkar Party Rizal Mallarangeng.

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In the photo received from Christina Aryani, the three of them are wearing yellow batik clothes.

They stood out among the tens of thousands of NasDem Party cadres who attended the event.

Christina admitted that their presence was due to being invited by the NasDem Party.

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“The presence of the Golkar Party at this event is of course a form of our appreciation for the invitation received from the Nasdem Party, moreover this event coincides with the celebration of Pak Surya Paloh’s birthday (birthday) who has been in the Golkar Party for a long time (approximately 42 years),” said Christina.

Christina Aryani said that this presence was also a form of friendship between the Golkar Party and the Nasdem Party.

The Golkar Party, according to Christina Aryani, is also friendly with other political parties.

He stressed that friendship continues to be built by the Golkar Party and other political parties.

“For the Golkar Party, friendship and friendship between political parties is very important as part of learning for the whole community. Politics must be carried out in a cheerful manner and not be hostile to each other let alone create divisions,” said Christina Aryani.

As is known, the Golkar Party has formed a coalition with the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the United Development Party (PPP) to face the 2024 elections.

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