Supreme Court Prohibits Applications for Registration of Interfaith Marriages, This Says the Ministry of Home Affairs

[ad_1] – The Supreme Court (MA) has officially banned judges from granting requests for the registration of interfaith marriages. Then what is the response of the Director General of Population and Civil Registry (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs about this?
“Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration Article 35 letter a, with the explanation that the Registration of Marriages as referred to in Article 34 also applies to marriages determined by the Court,” said Director General of Dukcapil, Teguh Setyabudi, Wednesday 19 July 2023.
Explanation of Article 35 Letter a, what is meant by ‘a marriage determined by a court’, is a marriage conducted between people of different religions.
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“This means that interfaith marriages cannot be registered, unless there is a court order,” said Teguh.
According to Teguh, what was stated by SEMA Number 2 of 2023 was addressed to judges.
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“The Dukcapil Service remains in the realm of regulation, that regarding marriage registration services, there will never be a registration of interfaith marriages at the Dukcapil Service as long as the court does not grant the request for interfaith marriage, and as long as there is no court order,” said Teguh.
As is known, this prohibition is contained in the Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA) Number 2 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Judges in Trying Cases for Requests for Registration of Inter-Religious Marriages of Different Religions and Beliefs. SEMA 2/2023 was signed by Chief Justice Muhammad Syarifuddin. ()