Expensive Tuition Fees, BEM UI Holds Protest Actions with Hundreds of Students Who Can’t afford UKT



BONSERNEWS.com – Hundreds of prospective new students at the University of Indonesia protested the amount of the Single Tuition Fee (UKT). They consider that the determination of tuition fees is burdensome.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the UI Student Executive Board (BEM) Melki Sedek Huang at a press conference in Depok, West Java on Friday, June 23, 2023.

“Of the more than 2,000 students who were accepted through the SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement) route, there were at least 700-800 complaints of objections to the tuition fees set for UKT,” said Melki.

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Then, of the 800 Camaba who objected, 650 Camaba received a reduction in UKT fees. However, the UKT 150 cambaba fee was not reduced.

Please note, UKT is a tuition fee that must be paid by students every semester. All State Universities (PTN) in Indonesia have implemented this UKT system since 2013.

UKT is divided into several groups. This is differentiated based on the financial ability of the student’s parents and other considerations determined by PTN. Usually, UKT will also vary. This depends on the entry point of the student.

The size of the UKT is differentiated based on the cluster of science and technology (Saintek) study programs, apart from medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine. Then the social and humanities (Soshum) family. Then categorized again based on the highest and lowest UKT of each PTN.

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UKT at UI is divided into 11 classes. Quoting UI Rector Decree 402/SK/R/UI/2023, the amount of UKT takes into account the economic ability of students, parents of students, or those who pay for it.

In the Saintek study program family, the UI UKT amount is one of the highest compared to other PTNs. In this family, UI sets the highest UKT amount at IDR 20 million.

Meanwhile in the Soshum family, UKT UI rates range from IDR 0 to IDR 17.5 million. At other PTNs, the highest rates range from Rp. 7.5 million to Rp. 11 million, except for Unpad which reaches Rp. 14 million and ITB Rp. 20 million.

Head of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau, KIP, University of Indonesia, Amelita Lusia, explained that the determination of tuition rates was carried out through a mechanism.

For those who object, UI provides an opportunity for prospective new students to provide supporting data. Furthermore, he said, the material will be taken into consideration whether it is lowered or not.

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