DPD Asks for a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Implementation of the 2023 Hajj



BOSERNEWS.com – Many problems and difficulties experienced by the Indonesian congregation during this year’s pilgrimage.

The chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti regretted this because it seemed that he was not well prepared and not well coordinated.

For this reason, he asked the government, in this case the Ministry of Religion, to carry out a thorough evaluation so that the implementation of the Hajj next year will be more optimal.

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“Seeing the series of incidents experienced by Indonesian pilgrims, I ask the Ministry of Religion to conduct a thorough evaluation on all fronts, both from our own side and the Hajj service team from Saudi Arabia (masyariq),” said LaNyalla, Tuesday 4 July 2023.

LaNyalla agrees that people who are incompetent must be protested and their cooperation reviewed. However, he emphasized that the Ministry of Religion should improve preparation and coordination.

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“Okay, the community is indeed incompetent, they did not fulfill their commitment to provide good service so that many Indonesian pilgrims were stranded and tormented, but more importantly our preparation and coordination. If this is well coordinated, it is unlikely that a crucial problem will occur,” he said him again.

According to LaNyalla, there should be no justifiable reasons when the pilgrimage service is not optimal. So far, the cost of Hajj has experienced an increase in departure rates and of course it should be balanced with good service.

“Because in my opinion, the lack of optimal service for the congregation has an impact on the quality of worship. This must be an important note,” he said.

LaNyalla also asked that the government of Saudi Arabia have consequences for the poor quality of the implementation of the pilgrimage for Indonesian pilgrims.

“It doesn’t seem excessive if we demand compensation for the effects of amateurish services as a consequence and responsibility for Indonesian pilgrims,” ​​he said. ()

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